Saturday, September 4, 2010

Robert Schimmel in serious condition after a car accident

Robert Schimmel Robert Schimmel in serious condition after a car accident
Comedian Robert Schimmel has been admitted to a hospital as he faces serious injuries after a car accident. He was travelling with his son and daughter in Arizona when the fatal accident occurred. Media reports have confirmed that at the time of accident, Schimmel’s 19 year old daughter was driving. She saw an accident in the lane in which she was driving and hence she was trying to avoid that spot and this made her car roll over to the side of the freeway.
Schimmel has been very unfortunate with health circumstances way back to 1998 when he had a severe heart attack. In the year 2000, he announced that he was suffering from Non Hogkin lymphoma. During the beginning of the current year, he said that he is suffering from cirrhosis due to Hepatitis C infection that caused from a blood transfusion. And this time, it is a fatal car accident that has really made his condition critical.


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